Saturday 21 August 2010

Scuttling out of Iraq with their tails between their legs

A fine example of stupidity has reached a new stage: the idiotic (and criminal) occupation of Iraq has gone on to a new stage with the departure of the last US combat units. What a mess they've made - and yet the display of bravado was breathtaking.

For example, one soldier shouted to the camera on the BBC News (on 19 August) "We've won!!" If this was victory on the say after 60 or more Iraqis were killed by a suicide bomber, what would defeat look like?

Even worse was a statement by a Lt-Col Lawrence of the 4th Stryker Brigade in a report in The Guardian []: "I think we came here at the right time and for the right reasons," he said. "Saddam was a bad man and he is no longer with us. This country has turned the corner. There are systems in place and institutions and the removal of Saddam was a good thing for the region." Is he stupid or simply misled? The latest election was 7 months ago and still the pathetic stooge politicians haven't managed to form a government! What a wonderful success this whole episode has been!

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